How to add a user to the Konica Minolta address book


1.Log in to copier or tap your ID card
2.Tap Utility

3. Select [1 One-Touch/user Box Registration]

4. Select [1 Create One-Touch Destination]

5. Select [1 Address Book (Public)]

6. Select [1 Email]

7. Select New

8. Enter Name (how you want it to appear on the one touch)

9. When you select index you will see the screen below. If you would like your one-touch to appear on the front scan screen select FAVORITES and select an index button.  Press OK

10. Scroll down to screen 2, input email address Select OK, close windows until back to main screen

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Article ID: 382
Tue 4/18/17 10:55 AM
Fri 11/19/21 4:16 PM