How to Save a Document, from Mail, Word, Excel and PowerPoint, to your SharePoint Site

(Source: SharePoint Maven)

If you are authoring a brand new document in Word, Excel, PowerPoint or OneNote, you can save documents directly to a specific SharePoint site/library. This might prove very convenient, as you don’t need to save a document to the desktop first and then upload to SharePoint, eliminating an unnecessary step.  This process enables you to add your site to your list of places to save, without having to sync your files from SharePoint. 

Method 1:

If you are authoring a brand new document in Word, Excel, PowerPoint or OneNote, you can save documents directly to a specific SharePoint site/library. This might prove very convenient, as you don’t need to save a document to the desktop first and then upload to SharePoint, eliminating an unnecessary step.

This method does not save all the required metadata. 

Here is how you do this:

  1. Copy the URL of a SharePoint site you want to save a document tosave files to SharePoint
  2. From Word, Excel, PowerPoint or OneNote, do File > Save As > Browse. In the window that pops up, paste the URL of the SharePoint Site in the address window. Make sure to not include the full path though. For example, if your site address is, only paste the part up to /Sites/Home.apsx( Otherwise, it won’t resolve, and you will get an error message.
  3. Once you do the above, you will see contents of the site. So just navigate to a library and specific folder where you want to save a document to and click Opensave files to SharePoint
  4. The document is now saved directly to SharePointsave files to SharePoint


In Step 2 above, you could also paste the URL of a document library itself, not the whole site. However, just like described in Step 2 above, make sure to paste the URL of a library itself, do not include the path to a specific view. For example, if the full path to a library/view is, the path you need to paste in the address bar of the pop-up is (without /Forms/AllItems.aspx).

Otherwise, the location will not resolve, and you will get below error message:

save files to SharePoint

Method 2: 

Set up the library in your list of favourites. 

Start by adding SharePoint or a OneDrive to your list of places in Word,

  1. In Word, click File > Save As > Add a place.
  2. Under Add a place, click the service you want to use, like Office 365 SharePoint or OneDrive.
  3. Complete the Sign in screen that appears for either service. 
  4. Once you're done, the new location appears on Word’s Save As pane.
  5. Save to your new place. Once Word has been linked you will see it in your site.
  6. Since this does not capture the appropriate metadata, you will get a message about required properties. 

  1. Select the Hyperlink associated with the words"To save to the server, correct the invalid or missing required properties. This will bring up the Info screen to save the properties.
  2. Enter the missing pieces of metadata, as determined by your site Content Type. 
  3. Select the  to bring you back to the document and Retry Save .
  4. On the Title of the document, you will now see a "saved to SharePoint" indicator. 



Article ID: 529
Mon 12/11/17 4:01 PM
Tue 3/22/22 10:34 AM