How to set up FindTime


FindTime is an Outlook add-in for scheduling meetings. The organizer can send multiple time options through FindTime and minimize the back and forth emails in scheduling.

Installing FindTime Add-In via Outlook for Web

  1. Open Outlook for the web in your browser
  2. Select New Message to open a new email
  3. To the right of the Send and Discard buttons, select the ellipses button () and then select Get Add-ins.
  4. Search for the FindTime add-in.
  5. Select FindTime and click Add.


Article ID: 1018
Thu 2/25/21 7:12 PM
Mon 3/14/22 4:36 PM
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Supported Operating System:
MacOS 10.11
MacOS 10.12
MacOS 10.13
MacOS 10.14
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Windows 7
Windows 8.1