There are several different browser readily available to download and use, each with their own benefits and disadvantages.
You are not limited to the default browser that comes with your computer, phone or tablet device? There are many different web browsers available to try, each with their own benefits and disadvantages.
This article contains
Can I have more than one web browser installed?
Yes. You do not need to uninstall the web browser you are currently using to try a different one.
Why should I try a different web browser?
Security: Modern browsers are maintained and updated by the developers to maintain your safety while browsing.
Is it a matter of personal preference?
Often, yes. Different web browsers have different user interfaces and sometimes people will just gravitate to a particular feature or style more than others.
Why can't I continue to use Internet Explorer?
Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft. This means it doesn't get any security updates or improvements. It is no longer safe to use.
Downloading a new web browser
To download a different web browser, you need to go to the browser manufacturer's website and get the latest version of it.
Ensure that you download the web browser from the official website or store to avoid the risk of viruses, malware or spyware.
You can download the latest versions of some of the most popular browsers available today.
Google Chrome: https://www.google.com/chrome/
Mozilla Firefox: https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/new/
Safari: Will come pre-installed on macOS and iOS and is not available on any other operating systems.
Opera: https://www.opera.com/
Microsoft Edge: Will come pre-installed on Windows 10. You can install it for macOS here - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge
Internet Explorer is no longer supported and is considered a security risk.
There are security settings associated with each browser and search engine. Review these to ensure that you are not unintentionally providing personal information that could lead to a breach. To check settings, go to Manage your privacy settings.