Submitting, Viewing, Commenting and Cancelling Tickets (

To submit, view, comment or cancel a ticket, visit and first select Services. To request a particular service, sign in with your Acadia username/password and follow the instructions below:

Submit a ticket:

  • Choose an appropriate category or search for the service you require.
  • If you cannot find an appropriate category, scroll to the bottom of the "Services" section select a subsection of Acadia (Technology Services, Registrar's Office, etc) and click Service Request or Incident Report
  • Click Request Service button on right side of page.
  • Fill in appropriate information and select Request.

View a ticket:

  • Click on Ticket Requests at the top of the page located in the second submenu.
  • Browse the results to find your ticket or change the search criteria to find the ticket you are looking for.

Add a comment:

  • Click on Ticket Requests at the top of the page located in the second submenu.
  • Browse the results to find your ticket or change the search criteria to find the ticket you are looking for.
  • Click the Comment button
  • Choose the Responsible Group (Ex: TS-ServiceDesk) from notify drop down*
*PLEASE NOTE: It is extremely important to choose a Responsible Group instead of an individual! Choosing a group ensures that all individuals within that group are notified of your comment, rather than a particular individual who may be unavailable. You should see the designation of “Responsible Group” next to the name of the group you are submitting your comment to.

Cancel request:

  • Click on Ticket Requests at the top of the page located in the second submenu.
  • Browse the results to find your ticket or change the search criteria to find the ticket you are looking for.
  • Click Withdraw Request button.
  • Choose the reason for withdrawing your request and confirm.


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Article ID: 157
Thu 12/3/15 3:14 PM
Tue 4/28/20 9:45 AM