What are the benefits of OWA?
The Outlook Web App (OWA) offers most of the functionality of Outlook 2013/2016 with the convenience of being able to access email anywhere with an available internet connection. Iit offers a much more intuitive and easier to read interface than previous mail clients and also features 50 gigabytes (GB) of storage. Because of the large amount of available storage, it should no longer be necessary to create archives or to clear out email messages due to a full inbox. OWA also features an offline mode which provides a limited amount of functionality if there is no available internet connection, however your browser must be capable of working in an offline mode.
How do I access OWA?
The Outlook Web App is accessible by navigating to portal.office.com and signing in with your network account/student email address (ex: bob.brown@acadiau.ca/123456a@acadiau.ca) and password:
Faculty and Staff (including Retirees): firstname.lastname@acadiau.ca
Students (including Alumni): username@acadiau.ca
Graduate Studies Students (including Alumni): username@acadiau.ca, unless you opted to use your graduate email alias to also send email, in which case your username would then be your alias, firstnamelastname@acadiau.ca
Please note: You will only be able to view mail messages that reside on the Office 365 server. Messages located in personal or archive folders will not be accessible through this website.

Depending on your preferences currently set for your portal, you could be shown the main OWA site or the Office 365 main portal site.
If presented options for Word, Excel, Power Point, etc you are seeing the Office 365 main portal site. Simply click the Outlook icon to continue 
Here you can see your messages:

To change your settings, select the Gear icon located in the top right corner of your screen. You can also check your notifications, get help, or sign out from here:

If you wish to switch over to another Office 365 app, click on the App Button located on the top left of your screen:

Please contact the Service Desk if you have any problems using the Office 365 login page.