There are several services available which provide an overview of a system's status.
Acadia's System Status Portal provides overview of the services delivered by Acadia and whether the service is available or experiencing an outage. It will also provide a calendar of any planned maintenance. You may subscribe to notifications from the portal. This services provides a summary of both internal Acadia systems, such as MOODLE and Colleague and cloud services such as Microsoft.
There are additional monitoring services that provide updates on services such as Microsoft, Zoom, Twitter, Royal Bank etc.
Acadia's System Status Portal
At any time, you can check the health of an Acadia Technology service by navigating to Acadia's Status Portal: acadiau.status.page.
You can enrol for email and/or text notifications on any or all components provided in the portal. For example, you may want to receive notifications for WiFi but not Colleague; or you may wish to receive notifications for all services. For more information on the Portal and how to subscribe, please go to: Status Portal Knowledge Base
Cloud Monitoring Services
Microsoft Specific:
Create a bookmark in your browser to a broader service monitoring sites: