How to set up a wireless connection - Mac OS X


This article provides the steps for connecting to wireless on the Acadia campus.

Setup Instructions

A valid Acadia network account and Mac OS X 10.7 or greater are required to connect to wifi.

  • Select eduroam from the dropdown menu of the wireless icon:

  • In the Username field, enter your Acadia email address.
    • Faculty/staff =
    • Students =; and 
    • Graduate Students = (please note there is no dot separating first and last name)
  • In the Password field, enter your network password.  This is the same password for accessing Central, Moodle, and your email.
  • Click Join.  If it asks to trust the certificate, click on Continue.  If it asks for your Mac password, enter it:


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Article ID: 30
Thu 7/9/15 4:16 PM
Thu 2/29/24 1:11 PM
Supported Platform:
Macintosh based